UK Cyber Security Council Begins As Independent Body

Author: UK Cyber Security Council
Date Published: 31 March 2021

网络安全联盟领导的形成项目创建了一个伞形机构,将发展成为网络安全教育的倡导者, training and skills

LONDON 英国网络安全委员会——网络安全教育和技能行业的自律机构——今天宣布,创建该委员会的组建项目已经完成, allowing the Government-mandated Council to officially become an independent entity, fully and only accountable to its Trustees.

The Council will champion the cyber security profession across the UK, providing broad representation for the industry, accelerating awareness and promoting excellence in the profession. It will do this by delivering thought leadership, 为网络安全行业和寻求在该行业发展的人士提供职业工具和教育资源, alongside helping influence government, 旨在发展和促进英国网络安全在全球的卓越表现,并扩大技能基础.

Dr Claudia Natanson, chair of the Council’s Board of Trustees, 他说:“组建项目为委员会的建设奠定了坚实的基础, and that is what the Council is able to, and will do, from today. The next few months will be especially busy; we are now able to hire and start work on gaining traction and momentum across and beyond the profession. 我们还将与政府合作,确保提供所需的标准和治理,以确保现在和未来有一个强大的网络安全专业. 受托人向迄今参与安理会的所有人保证,我们将尽最大努力推动其工作.”

Near-term tasks for the Council include:

  • the appointment of a permanent leadership team, 谁将与理事会合作,使理事会成为该专业的领导者, influencing its standing and reputation within the UK and globally; and
  • 招聘人员,就委员会的职权范围推动编制计划的工作, including recognition for cyber security practitioners, professional ethics, diversity and inclusivity in the profession and thought leadership

Natanson博士亦感谢网络安全联盟及支持资讯科技发展计划的成员机构. “For twenty months, 来自网络安全联盟(Cyber Security Alliance) 16个具有前瞻性的组织的数十名志愿者投入了无数时间,才促成了理事会的成立. We cannot thank them enough, because without them there would be no Council. In the teeth of a pandemic, to reach this date with the Council on schedule is remarkable,” she said.

Dr Budgie Dhanda, managing director of 3BDA and co-chair of UK Cyber Security Council Formation Project, 他说:“来自网络安全联盟成员的志愿者们全身心地投入到这个项目中, and the members of the Alliance itself have supported their staff all the way. 我们都为今天的交接感到自豪,并期待着它的全面发展, effective Council to represent our profession through the changes ahead.”

Dr Bill Mitchell OBE, chair of the Cyber Security Alliance, “今天对许多人来说是一个重要的里程碑,他们现在和将来都肩负着保护英国及其经济免受网络威胁的重要任务,网络威胁破坏了现代社会的基础.  将理事会移交给受托人是四年多来16个组织对共同愿景和共同公共利益价值观的承诺的高潮,他们认识到这项任务所涉及的技能和学科的广度. Now a new profession for the UK can be officially recognised and supported. 联盟仍然完全致力于支持新理事会,并确保它在英国从大流行中恢复过来并在欧盟之外找到我们的位置时,按照英国所需的速度和范围取得成功.”

The Council has been invited by the NCSC to participate at CYBERUK, the UK government’s flagship cyber security conference in May. It will outline some initial plans at the event.

History of the Council to date

  • In November 2016, the UK Government’s National Cyber Security Strategy 2016-2021 set out “the UK Government’s plan to make Britain secure and resilient in cyberspace”.
    它包括发展和认可网络安全行业的雄心:“……加强行业内公认的网络安全卓越机构,并提供一个可以提供建议的焦点。, shape and inform national policy.”
  • In December 2018, the Government’s Initial National Cyber Security Skills Strategy 政策文件特别规定了一个新的独立机构:英国网络安全委员会.
    The policy stated that: “Our ambition is for there to be a new, 独立的英国网络安全委员会将鼓励该行业以满足当前和未来需求的方式构建和发展自己. 该委员会将负责制定一个涵盖不同专业的框架, setting out a comprehensive alignment of career pathways, including the certifications and qualifications required within certain levels. 该委员会将为网络安全行业奠定结构基础,使其能够应对行业和更广泛经济领域不断变化的需求.”
  • In August 2019, the Department for Digital, Culture, 媒体和体育(DCMS)在竞争性招标过程中任命了网络安全联盟, with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) serving as the lead organisation, to design and deliver the UK Cyber Security Council.
  • In a statement on 9 February 2021, the Department for Digital, Culture, 媒体和体育(DCMS)证实,该委员会定于2021年3月底启动.

The Cyber Security Alliance
网络安全联盟汇集了一系列已有的知识和学科, 它们目前都在支撑英国在数字环境中的专业知识方面发挥着领导作用. With an overall aim to provide clarity around the skills, competences and career pathways within this fast-moving area of cyber security, 最初的目标是支持在英国国家网络安全战略中表达的承诺, including the stated intent to recognise professionals through Chartered status. Members include:

About the UK Cyber Security Council

The UK Cyber Security Council is the regulatory body, and voice, for UK cyber security education, training and skills. 它推动了专业面临和发展的关键挑战的进展, 促进和管理国家认可的网络安全资格和学习标准. The Council, working closely with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the UK's national technical authority for cyber security, 支持英国政府的国家网络安全战略,使英国成为最安全的在线生活和工作场所.

由网络安全专业团体组成的网络安全联盟是受数码事务署委托成立该委员会的, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) in September 2019.

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For more than 50 years, ISACA® ( has advanced the best talent, expertise and learning in technology. ISACA equips individuals with knowledge, credentials, education and community to progress their careers and transform their organizations, and enables enterprises to train and build quality teams. ISACA是一个全球性的专业协会和学习型组织,它利用了150多个澳门赌场官方软件的专业知识,000 members who work in information security, governance, assurance, risk and privacy to drive innovation through technology. It has a presence in 188 countries, including more than 220 chapters worldwide. In 2020, ISACA launched One In Tech, 这是一个慈善基金会,为资源不足的人提供信息技术教育和职业途径, under-represented populations.



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